Thursday, June 30, 2011

Teacher Identity

I am easily inspired by the typical teacher movies. The Ron Clark Story is one of these movies I find motivation from. In this particular clip Ron shows many different roles a teacher needs to take on. Not only does a teacher need to teach the students the content, but they need to make sure they communicate their expectations of the students and that they believe in the students. Ron also conferences individually with students, like he is a mentor to them. We also see him caring for the students even outside of the school environment. This shows that a teacher does have to wear many hats; they are not just barers of knowledge.
The students in this clip are open and comfortable with the teacher it seems, as they are sharing their feelings with him. They all seemed to have internalized the belief that they are second class citizens and cannot perform. The teachers job was to address this and make them believe. The students also perform their role as learners when they take their standardized test.

1 comment:

  1. thanks Brooke, great story especially the teacher's rewarding the kids for doing their best
