Tuesday, July 12, 2011

UbD Stage 1: Oracy

Strategy to Effectively Teach English Language Learners: Oracy

Summary of Curricular Context: This is a professional development for teachers that teach in an area where there is a high English Language Learner (ELL) population. Teachers are rarely prepared well in their teacher prep programs or by professional development in their district to effectively teach students who are Language Learners. This professional development focuses on a strategy that would help them enhance the ELL’s language ability. If the child’s English stays limited, they will have a hard time understanding the content; therefore it is the job if the teacher to teach the content while enhancing the language abilities.

Standard / Objectives for Unit or Lesson:

The objective is for the teachers to define oracy and to explain 3 ways they will use oracy in their classroom to help the ELL students with their language abilities.

Lesson Goal:

The goal of the lesson is to show the teachers strategies using oracy that will help them effectively teach and enhance the language abilities of their English Language Learners.

Stage 1

Enduring Understandings What are the overarching enduring understandings for the unit/lesson? (big ideas that transcend the unit)

  1. How to create higher order questions using Blooms Taxonomy

  2. How oracy helps students language abilities and their interaction with the content

  3. How and why to apply Kagan’s strategies in the classroom

Essential Questions What are the essential questions you can ask to guide inquiry?

  1. How does oracy help English Language Learners in the classroom?

  2. How can we effectively teach English Language Learners?

Knowledge & Skills



Kagan’s strategies

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Definition of oracy

Definition of ELL

Qualities of students in their classroom

Teachers (went through an undergrad program)

Ability to implement teaching strategies

Ability to be a learner (student)

Work cooperatively


  1. Brooke,

    This is a great professional development idea for teachers who work with ELL students. You did a great job connecting the essential understandings to your knowledge list. It is important to make sure the teachers understand Bloom's and Kagan's Strategies. The only part where I was confused in your UbD was under the Skills section when you listed "Teachers (went through an undergrad program)". I don't understand what exactly that means when it comes to the skills. The other points were more clear for me and I can see how they fit well with your lesson. Other than that, your lesson is really good and I can see how it could be used for teachers working with ELL students.

  2. Brooke,

    I think this is a really important lesson to teach teachers. You hit on some really important skills that would reinforce language acquisition not just for teachers of ELLs but all students. I'm wondering if this lesson will be just giving the teachers information and ideas, or if it will also require the teachers to take what they have learned in your session and practice applying it to their own students.
